Thursday, August 20, 2009

Needing a Boost to get physically in SHAPE!!!

Okay so now . . . in my EARLY forty's it's MUCH harder to LOOSE the weight.
Can ANYONE give me some ideas on some help?!!!

I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! I need to loose quite a BIT to be back where I was BEFORE Hadassah came to our awareness!

Don't be afraid to share - I am willing to workout hard and get it all into shape
eating habits that will be healthy for both Hadassah and I since we are still feeding mother natures way ;-).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I started using Splenda (or the off brand of it) to sweeten things. It is also sold in many food items now (even ice cream). I drink only diet pop now and eat 45 cal. bread from the bakery. I try to avoid lots of startches and eat fruit. I still stuggle with veggies! God will bless your efforts!