Monday, March 1, 2010

TIme in a bottle

So many times I contemplate and desire, wishing, thinking, "If ONLY I had more TIME". Don't we all feel that way at some point in our lives? The reasons are not all the same. But recently it has been my hearts desire! To just try and have someone I care about DEEPLY to just simply "Listen to reason" so that a step in life would not be so FINAL!

Why do we as humans think life is in our hands? The Lord is the only one who can give and take life, really. Yes he is the I AM. The one and only. He grants LIFE to every living creature. He is the creator. HE LOVES LIFE and HE LOVE YOU and ME whole heartily!

I've bent my knees and wept deeply ~ frequently this weekend for a child waiting to show her face! I know that the Lord KNOWS her, because he has KNIT her together in her mothers' womb. He has a perfect plan for her and when he knows it is time for her to come "home to be with him" HE will call her.

My prayers of recent: Her life BE SPARED! That some day in July I will get to hold her and MEET her because God's Glory will be revealed through her LIFE. Time seems to be frozen temporarily beseeching the thrown of my Lord and Savior. I Know he hears me. I have been praying for her Mommies heart. Her heart. THEM.

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