Friday, August 14, 2009

Awh hhhhh hhhhh ROUTINE again

This summer has been so incredibly fast paced that it has made my head spin. Spin so fast that . . . . I think I received a sprained neck - okay that is an exaggeration. However, a routine is greatly anticipated for some piece of normality! There has been many moments of wonder and Awe. Moments to reflect and search and . . .
Okay so in the past 24 or so years - WHEW!!! ;-P Where did all that time go? (I didn't appreciate that phrase when I was MUCH younger but NOW . . . Bwah hahahahahahahha.

Here let me be precise - specifically speaking the past 8 months. For those who may be very new to this blog - we were with child and had HER in December 2008 on Christmas Eve - now that was a wonderful PACKAGE - I think Tia thinks she deserves the credit since she said, "I think we should have her either TODAY or TOMORROW since it IS Christmas!" Life with her has been an adventure in an Awakening and somewhat breath taking kind of way. Then one teenager began discovering her faith to be her own and another discovering her identity. That has been like riding a raging river - much like . . . white water rafting but AGAINST the tide. All at the same time. Why couldn't the Lord have given a detailed "care label" . . . anyway . . . it's definitely changed the dynamics of our home for everyone!!!.

Since June . . . a few have become young ladies. Then one has blossomed well . . . to the age of definite accountability and a reflection of whom her savior is and yielding to him. One also found and discovered how special she is, for who she is and is not - (she is herself and NOT one of her sisters), then one well . . . has begun to believe in the realness of Jesus. Okay now this is all at the time of the white water rafting for our home! Needless to say, I wouldn't trade it because it is developing CHARACTER in all seven of us! And the glue . . . Jesus Christ is what has brought us through it all! Through songs, studies, sisters, sermons and SILENCE (which sometimes is so . . . quiet . . . but spectacular). "Move" has made an impacting MOVE on us like no other.

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