When is Singapore International on Oct 12, someone felt the need to keep my Creative Memory sports pull over jacket, with precious goodies in my pocket and a prescription. However, it is just something material. In the whole outlook now the royal blue one hanging in this picture, is the one I am praying through and for you with true joy. The prayer is saturated for warmth of your heart and soul and your physical body. I forgive you truly. For in the scheme of everything . . . it is for you - so that now I may earnestly be connected to you and pray for your salvation. That you may come to receive and have the best life ever for all eternity!

I have been praying for that YOU ever since that early morning. That you may come to the Savior to be free and that your entire family; they all may come to know the Savior of the world Jesus Christ and know that HE LOVES YOU! And now we have a connection spiritually so that I may lovingly keep your heart and soul lifted before him.
Yours truly - your sister in Jesus Christ!