"Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life & peace. For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God's laws, and it never will. That's why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God." Romans 8:5-8
Our Family . . . well has had a huge "storm" roll through recently that well . . .has left some marked scratches and some wounds. Storms sometimes can be like that sinful nature - if we are not careful. I Love watching electrical storms and even sometimes a thunderstor
m. Yet, there are times during those storms there comes a warning and we should take cover. I also realize that some devastating storms hit and we didn't hear or see the warning until the storm is upon us. However, sometimes we play with those warnings thinking it won't hurt ME. I'm just looking at it, I can evade the inevitable. But we get burned, scratched, beaten up or even more severely. I said that I would catch everyone up to date with our lives 'after our storm' . . . so let's reminisce together.
June: VBS, a Full month of CAMPS; Camps at Mission Lake, Flaming Spirit and C.I.Y.. Many weeks that survived the extreme weather issues of: Tornado warnings, massive "BASEBALL" size hail, creeks that turn "RAGED RIVERS" in flash flooding, rain, Rain and MUCH MORE RAIN - Mud, Mud, and more MUD ;-P , then came the extreme HEAT & HUMIDITY that gave into home sickness for a few campers- that was an

July Still in progress; Ultimate Frisbee-Taco Tuesdays-God Experience and small groups for the girls, another week to go deeper with our walk spiritually @ MLCC :-D, JJ & Rhapsody's wedding in St Louis, Family to support Barb/Nana in the BIX Run/Walk in Quad Cit
y area, possible reuniting with a Kindred - Joy H. than off to Colorado for 4 of us - oh how my soul yearns to breath the ROCKIE air, and go to my favorite "Spot" and roots to where I "talked" with Him. I have a deep yearning for that time.
August - has yet to come; Colorado and than to Illinois returning just days before school begins and a Kickoff to our second annual Fall Festival.
August - has yet to come; Colorado and than to Illinois returning just days before school begins and a Kickoff to our second annual Fall Festival.
Now how does all this tie into the "storms". Storms transform. We have been transformed by the renewing of our minds. I've been living character building moments during the last 10 months that are MOUNTAINOUS. October 2008 - present well it's been strenuous, but rewarding as well. 25 years ago . . . and now; I still desire to have the Holy Spirit CONTROL my mind. March 18, 1984 and July 18, 2009 two life changing moments, Ones' that have led to Character building through the storms passing through all of my life. Now being the mother of five blessings from Heaven I know that storms come and pass.
The effects are also evident and they create a new outlook on the scenery - ours hopefully through the spirit is of life and peace from Heaven :-D.

last picture taken by Carson Nurski -CIY Durango Colorado