How Great is Our God - Chris Tomlin
She walks down the hall way
pitter, patter
a smile cascades from ear to ear
The sound of joy through a giggle
Dress up
finding high heels
quiet . . . silence
a sigh
she reappears
hair bundled in a doo
She appears
she sighs
she walks ever so precious with each step
she looks earnestly up into his eyes - searching 'the king' for his approval
He smiles, with an extension of a gentleman's hand
The Kingdom belongs to Him and Him alone. However, now the earthly king . . . shines with a joy that comes from the humble gifts and honor of watching them Gleam and Glow with Joy of the Beauty from with in that was there from the beginning; Psalm 139. The queen also knows it is only T - I - M - E and all five will reside in their own kingdoms. The beauty of bitter sweetness - they are pleased and filled with joy.
'the queen' pauses with a gentle tear
they smile with the eyes of wonder
The Princess gleams
puts up her parasol
walks away on cloud nine
to be able to leave the castle and then enjoy the evening
Princess five . . . .
the days of her joy begin
Princess four . . .
so sweet and excited
Princess three . . .
ideals all her own
Princess two . . .
Beauty that is ready to fly soon, very soon to arms of interest
Princess one . . .
Flying and soon very soon
ready to be with the one called her Prince
Now seven other Princesses are being prayed for to be a radiant bride one day as well in a foreign land. That their Prince will honor them just like those here. God is so Good ALL THE TIME!
A True Love Story - Redemption through Jesus Christ and Rapha House
""He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of their people. He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord!" Psalm 113
Bride and Groom at Angkor Waht October 18, 2011