Saturday, October 27, 2012


ADVENTURE is its' name and Excitement is its' claim.   Come with me and close your proverbial eyes and allow me to  allure your senses.    Ready?  Here we go.

"She opens the door and the aroma of the most pleasant waifs through the atmosphere!  Every individual is entirely enticed!  Awhhhhhhh,   Serenity captivates the nerves to just relax, take a sip,  get lost in the moment.  Slight melodic rapture whispers over the hushed tones and pitch.  Where am I?  What? How did i get here? Am I dreaming?"

Been there?   Even if one is NOT a coffee connoisseur  it is absolutely breath taking.  That is where I have been.   Yes ma'am that is my heart, entirely all five senses are at their peek of elation  . . . Anticipated Over a consuming JOY!




Most definitely.


With out a Doubt - ASSUREDLY SO!

I would absolutely like to share with you a story upon story right about now;   but now leaves me - speechless.   I have heard this phrase plenty of times.  And this weekend it just energized every morsel with in me.    What began at an M.I.T. session this early part of the week, a phone call, text, then with a quick rush to pick up a ticket all ended with what I am about to share with you.  My Joy Journey through this!

That is right an ARK adventure!  The BEST of.

"Come!"   I invite you to walk with me!    ADVENTURE of the wondrous kind.    See, I Love Pearls, a Fresh "Cup of Joe," Ministry,  learning, teaching, Listening, singing, laughing, being still, etc., etc., etc (I think I've heard that phrase before with Yul Brynner   . . . OH KING???  =)  . . .) oops sorry, where was I?  Oh yes what I LOVE.

"'The woman remembers. . . ..
She picked me up to grab a quick bit to eat.  McCallester's.  Menu:  choose two it is.  Fresh Salad, a Turkey Ruben, and a great Companion.  Spiritual Friend.  Laughter, quiet, heart open sharing.  Off to an event both were just excited to attend.   Little did they know it would spark their heart strings the way it did.  The atmosphere a Brisk, Cool breeze, enough to bite but not enough to break the spirit of Awe.
Parking lot filling up.
Open the entry doors.
The hostess location is welcoming and very warm.  The western second set of doors open, greeted by three to four friendly smiles and a comforting experience of kindness.   WONDERFUL.   They allow guests to proceed to their seats.  Awwww . . . sit, fellowship - they converse, 'we made it.'  The lamps are "lit," the couch is warm with Autumn shades, the deep black iron table with matching iron chairs come alive while it is arrayed with three latte white mugs.  The ambiance creates the senses peeked to inhale it slowly.  Imprinted; much like an old fashion film negative on the cerebral vortex called a memory filadex.

It Begins.  Fresh Ground Faith!   The BEST CUP OF JOE! She thinks deeply.  "Why had i never heard of her?  Where she came from?  Why she speaks?   What's the message?  Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?  Zzzzzz are not even available in the atmosphere here.   Then I will Love it."  Before she knows it,  the music creates a tapping of the toes,  the hum from the bowels lodge the longing to sing and out it pours forth with passion.   O'Brian leads this "O'Brain" to just be free and the lips part and the melody of my soul bubbles out in desire of release through vocal whispers of song.   Sit, watch and listen.   Again her thoughts come to life,  "More, more, give my spirit more.  I'm fully engaged."  Then the clip shows a Bungee Jump and she quickly giggles  and relates from 18 years or so ago  - "YEAH" and the wall is finally gone.

What did "she" say?  Oh something like these quotes:

"Don't let where you ARE, be a prophesy of where we're going to stay!"
"Sermons don't change a life. Our life Sentences do"
"Be a Gusty Girl!"
"Spectators never get where participator do with a MOVE!"
"Trust God more than my 'feelings' and with ALL my heart."
ICAN = ONLY if I submit to the Lord's Will
IAM = Identitiy with Courage
      Confidence and Courage are totally different.  "All I have is enough Courage to Trust Jesus Christ
      with the Next step."
IWILL = no defiance in I Won't, but a LOVE of God, Jehovah's will is my IWILL.'"

So now here it is:  Here is your BEST CUP OF JOE!  "'Take Jesus Christ as HE IS at His invitation.  Take Him in His WHOLENESS or live in a broken Lift.'   Then when life is hit with a storm;  we can see clearly that, 'My Storm is not to kill me but to CLEANSE ME & Carry me to the Other Side!' "

Here it is.  The real me speaking.  I have been so enlightened with the ONLY JOY that is worth any and all Joy ever!  Let me close with this:
Not one negative word among one woman was heard.
The ear was not tickled and the tummy was not scratched.
The soul was fed to the fullest, the Truth was stood upon.
The hustle and Bustle seemed like a bee hive or an aunt colony busy but not rude.
Feeding and being fed.
Drinking from the Living Water and thirsty mouth quenched.
 Smile upon smile.  Introductions.  Hugs.  Tears.  PRAYERS and another favorite of mine  . . . . EYES LOOKED DEEP WITHIN THE SOUL!  Then it happened let's finish the story. . . .

". . . . she leaned over and whispered,  'Oh no, you're missing an earring.'  Her eyes in disbelief.  Her hand quickly goes to the right ear.  Gone.  The earring backing falls to the ground sometime prior to the discovery . . .  the REAL PEARL EARRING; purposefully chosen for this outfit in the wee morning hours while preparing to leave, was GONE!    She bent down with a gentle tear in one eye.   The last time it was worn,  at her first daughters' Princess Story Style wedding.  She silently shoots a prayer while bending on her knees, 'Oh dear Lord, it's only an earring,  however, my I be so bold as to request that it is found like the "LOST CHAPTER conveys in John 15" that it (my precious memory real pearl earring) is found.  She tries to keep a stiff upper lip while smiling.  "We'll find it.  We really will find it. Maybe someone turned it in.   I was hugging so many ladies this morning, it could be anywhere.  BUT WE WILL FIND IT."  She gathers her composure.  Smiles and all of a sudden has peace.   They walk slowly out of the soothing atmosphere,  into the very busy vestibule.  Her friend smiles and directs her to the information area.  She notices the friendly greater from the evening before and inquires where the LOST and FOUND may be.  They wait.  Upon her return another "coordinator badged" woman walks by.  "Excuse me,  I was wondering where the Lost and Fff......."  "You're Earring!  I notice your missing an earring from your right ear.  A nice young lady just brought us a pearl earring.  Come with me to the LOST and FOUND."   Her friend who first noticed the earring smiles and she leaves with the coordinator.  They area is already gone.  They further go into another 'room' and she inquires, 'where is the Lost and Found?'  He turns, smiles and he also smiles and points to her ear.  'Your earring!  Someone just brought that to us!'  gone.  No longer there on the podium.   They turn around and on the carpet just behind him  .. . . .. THE PEARL!  She smiled, Cried and exclaimed allowed.  This earring is precious to me.  The last time I wore it was at My Daughters' Wedding!  However,  This weekend "THE REAL PEARL" was FOUND along with this real pearl earring!  THANK YOU!!!"  And She gave him a hug and the small crowd  of 8-12 all laughed and one voice says, "We didn't do anything but I'll take a hug."  And all laughed again.   She left, found her friend talking to another who was actually around when "the earring was found" and carried away to be 'turned in.'

This "story" is a TRUE, NON-FICTIONAL life situation.  The characters are real.  Their names, Ana-Lou, and Rhonda A.  Me and My Sister/Friend of the Faith.  I will not stop PREACHING ABOUT MY JESUS,  Because I LOOK,  I LOOK, and I LOOK!"  Yes HE IS CARRYING ME THROUGH!

"The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold ALL he had and bought that field.
   Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  When he found one of GREAT VALUE, he went away and SOLD EVERYTHING he had and BOUGHT IT."  Matthew 13:44-46
Have you found the Pearl?  Are You Still looking for that precious Treasure?  Are you willing to sell everything you have to FIND it?   Come!  Come To JESUS to "Carrie you to the Other Side!"   The PEARL is Jesus Christ!   Come and enjoy the "BEST CUP OF JOE!" like I did and still do, and was reminded last night and today at FRESH GROUND FAITH with Julia Rothchild, Stormie Omartian and Micheal O'Brian this weekend!

copy written:  Fresh Grounded Faith - Jennifer Rothchild