Today is one of those days that has kept me very busy. I just hope I will not be to sore from my busy Thursday adventure of switching the house around. It is with great detail that I realize that I have been so greatly blessed; all while moving the house around, with the riches from heaven called children.
Has it ever been told to you that time goes so quickly? I remember hearing that a lot in my years growing up. I just couldn't understand how people could say that because it just seemed to just creep by at a snail pace as a child. However, now that the shoes have become my fitted pair and not changing with the seasons, I believe that to be so true!
My daughter and I had a very precious quick conversation. She was so excited to share about their first invite to all their friends to share their home and to fellowship with one another. They had a superb time. Grilling out, yard work, laughter and fond memories! She was so excited to tell me all about it and that she now has a garden. After looking at her pictures. It is wonderful! I remember our first garden just outside our giant picture window at NCC in the 4-plex married housing units! We LOVED those times!
So here is to the time that seems to be flying by. Hearing about J&M's first home. The pictures of the "Firsts." But the fun is the excitement in their voices of what is taking place right now for them!
Love My Heavenly Father and how is is blessing beyond what I deserve!