Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Are you concerned to much about the risks of the unknown?  I know that at moments I sometimes give too much credence to what doesn't matter at all really.  What holds us as creative beings made in the image of a wonderful creator, back from taking RISKS?

The struggles I am facing seem to knock me down.  How do I respond?   How does it effect me?  Why is it that to motivate others encourages me yet when an inward evaluation comes the feet FREEZE?

I am not really sure.  What I am sure of is my hearts passion to follow Jesus Christ.  Now to stop concerning the steps given me in a comparison to anothers' journey.  Here I go.  Ready to climb!

RISKS . . .  What am I willing to move myself through?   I don't know but baby steps ~ no my new journey to "NOT FEARING THE UNKNOWN" ready or not . . . .here I come!

Thank You Hadassah for giving me a life lesson ~ AGAIN