When LOVE hurts. Why does Love hurt? To desire to hang on yet know it is best to let go? Mom Your still so beautiful. Beautiful blue eyes, creamy milk soft hands, very warm smile, and the most beautiful white crown of glory!!!! It is amazing how we can laugh together, cry, and reminisce. We know with every breathe we are truly grateful. We so sincerely anticipate a wonderful reunion when you go home but it is so hard to know our time is limited.
The laughter of the Family, the quiet time of making it still a joy in the midst of our sorrow. The Lord promised, "blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." The only way that this happens is through Jesus Christ! Yes Jesus is the only way to appreciate LIFE fully. True peace only comes from a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. As we talk and walk down memory lane we reflect on the time of our LOVE. The additions recently to our family.
We celebrated two graduations, two weddings and now we sit together to draw upon one another and our loving strength.