Today was such an encouraging day! Being pastor appreciation month has been encouraging through out. I have been amazed at some of the "Golden Apples" The Lord has given us to enjoy this month.
Cards, Encouraging words, meat, meals, hugs, chocolates, GC's, smiles, etc., etc., etc.,. Why does it touch me sooooo much? Because of serving the King of Kings for 20 years this past summer and this month I was able to reflect over all these years and I still have some cards, letters, gifts, pictures (AND SCRAPBOOKS) with many of YOUR heart strings connected to them!
From our first internship and ministry I still have special cards & picture from many of you tucked away and some of them are hidden with in my BIBLE and just this past week I have taken some of those out and reflected upon to warm my heart along with those we received this week. Today we had some great time reflecting with a family, laughing, sharing and being real - THAT is what ministry is all about. One note Kent & I read was very encouraging at a time that was needed the most. Satan is alive and a liar but God is the TRUTH that is AWESOME!
Kent also encouraged me just a couple of days ago with a song/video that he said he knew I would LOVE! He knows how much I have ALWAYS LOVED EYES and how fitting that an artist named Brandon Heath wrote "Give Me Your Eyes". It is so true How I beseech the Lord of Lords the "I AM" to allow me to always look into others eyes and to have HIS EYES for humanity.
I know that Kent and I were called into MINISTRY together and I believe that He called me when I was only a little girl by an "angel in disguise" HEBREWS 13:2 (my paraphrase) to follow him
with all my life. Not only do I give him my Eyes but my HEART that I may have His Heart and His Eyes to fulfill my calling to Him!
I have looked into many of your EYES and I know that GOD will do and is doing great things through you. He is calling YOU . . . Will you answer his call if you haven't already? Look into His eyes it is AMAZING to connect with him - BELIEVE ME!!! It is a road you'll never regret and an adventure you can never imagine that will effect you for all eternity. For today is "A DAY TO REMEMBER!"