Dropping from Nest at an accelerated speed, spread wings, lift, thrust, wind beneath the wings ~ now Soaring! She is Soaring among the clouds in the blue sky, thousands of feet above the earth!

Her New Chapter is being written, Adventures begun, with only a few tears because of what we have already walked, crawled and climbed through, it is time. She is on her way, for now it is the season to allow her to fly on her own! It can't be described. It all seems so ethereal, so dream like, like one of my favorite scene from the Lord of the Rings series. Trying to awake then opening the spiritual eyes and knowing and believing in PEACE that the time is right and has really arrived.I expected floods of tears (LIKE ALWAYS!!!) but only a few fell when the embrace to release her took place and then when I grabbed the hand of my lover but we knew and know in JOY of the LORD she is in HIS hands. She is ready to be fully released. TRUSTED FULLY. I know without any shadow or doubt she is FINE because HE allowed us to nurture her to release her back to Him eighteen years later. Only two days after watching her accepted her diploma, walking across the stage and descending down the steps, as the caps flew, the hands clapped with thunder, the voices raised with praise ~ We have come this far to end this season to release her to this mornings departure in the airport with anticipation.
The release of confidence, excitement and trepidation of the unknown, yet there is JOY!!!
He has "called her" and now she is "going" with our Blessing to whatever unknowns lay in her path. The stretching He will lead her through, the laughter, the quiet, the hard and difficult ~ she will persevere!

Here are just a few shots into my soul through the eyes of my lens and my heart. Love you Sweet child of ours! Enjoy your journey for it is yours!
Looking to one another to assure each other she has been prepared all her life for today.
Much Love Now and Forever; "I'll Love You Forever, I'll Love You for Always ~ as long as I'm living, for your Mommy I will always BE!"