Saturday, February 5, 2011

Up to February First 2011 = Fun Family MeMoRiEs

Awwwhhhhhh Snow, Well . . . I still love SNOW and how it warms my heart that the CREATOR made it so BEAUTIFUL, and warming to every part of my being!

So many times I have endured the Winters wonder of Joy in the precious flutter to SNOW flakes. "Auntie Joan" used to call me in the early '90's to say, 'Ana, look outside it is doing one of your FAVORITES, look at what's happening!' and I would instantly warm to the core of my being!

Oh the memories of the many snow and ice drivings to and from Home while in college. Oh the wonder to ponder if we would make across the 619 miles far enough in front or behind a storm. As we were trying to stair step up to the far NE corner of NE to settle in with my college friends. Or the times all of us girls would get together, lock arms then to hold one another to the next building trying to make it to the cafe for our meals. Aha memories!

I remember the first Christmas break that Daddy and Pompi had come to pick me up. They were thinking they were prepared for the "cold of the mid west." We giggled with the few of us left to leave campus and as we watched them both step out of Pompi's truck, then watch them laughing at how they would only move quickly back to the truck and jump back in the cab to put on MORE winter clothing! That was a site, and another warming moment.

The wonder of February first

The joy of January 31st ice

I remember the many drives with Kent over MANY winter wonderland adventures; How about the one that was a BLIZZARD that hit the ENTIRE Denver Metropolitan area and suburbia, literally shutting down Denver on a SUNDAY - December 27, 1987!

I remember many memories of the White Wintry Wonderland bliss beauty of snow. It carries me all the way up through out our life and to THE STORM of February 1, 2011, covering over 1/3 of our nation.

The snow storm on The Birthday of our first born as she experienced her first BLIZZARD away from home that left her over 18" and a failed attempt to surprise her through a college tour and staying to support her for a BBall game the same evening. ;'-(

Fantabulous February second FUN with college Friends @ OCC

Awwwhhhhhh Snow, Well . . . I still love SNOW and how it warms my heart that the CREATOR made it so BEAUTIFUL, and warming to every part of my being!