Thursday, November 6, 2008

Awed but not dismayed

"Awesome". I remember in the late 80's when a very dear couple; whom I admire their walks with Jesus Christ, spoke up and said the word "awesome" truly only belongs to GOD - The "I AM" (my input)- the Creator. I pondered that in my very young christian mind and asked for further explanation on our way to a mission in a very hot July.

To be Awed is truly a reverence that really is from the depths with in the marrow of my being and it does belong only to HIM, my Jehovah. I was so frustrated why the believers didn't rally and take a 'stand' but then after looking at Tia when she asked why does the "electoral votes out way what looks like the majority, Mom". I realized that now it was a time to talk to her about God's complete plan and he is yet in TOTAL CONTROL. We talked. Then after everyone turned in for the evening and I had reawakened - I pondered even further.

For example the control of how it is so easy to take the road that "seems" easy. How God is sovereign! "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit YOU will recognize them." (Matt. 13-16a) and "Even a child is known by his ACTIONS, by whether his conduct is PURE & RIGHT. Ears that hear and eyes that see - the LORD has made them both." (Proverbs 20:11-12) there are many things about His comfort that allows me not to be dismayed. And after early Tuesday morning I drew upon his promises. Especially since I have been in the book of Ezekiel with my daily reading (and -OUCH, Wow - very eye opening) seeing God's mighty hand. God doesn't look at the "outward" appearances as man does (nor the skin color). Praise Him for that. I say that very openly since I am a minority and not ashamed to just be HIS CHILD like many other wonderful "SAINTS" in my life all around the globe with every skin color he created!!!

So now I have a new president - elect to pray for fervently- since he is blind to TRUTH at the moment! As well as many others to come to Jesus Christ in a way that will allow the Harvest to be gathered fully during the next four years as God intends it to be. Like every where else in the Globe, where people are realizing the gospel message for the first time by the masses, God is in total control!!! This election not only effected us but the globe. Now God is AWESOME to open the opportunity we have to share the gospel through what lies ahead. Frustrated - yes. But only God is Omnipotent, Omniscient & Omnipresent and he is in complete control despite what seems different. Therefore only in Him can I be Awed but not dismayed. Reassured that he is always with his children in all circumstance. I know he knew about November 4 and the outcome to allow his children to become more focused on HIM and to know there is absolute TRUTH.