No it is not a gold digger either. :-)
It is the joy of ministry reaching others together with a common goal . . . to LOVE and reach out with out a cost . . . Giving, serving, feeding all while having fun with one another!
What is the nugget?
It is Fall Fest!!!
At our fest we Feasted!
We Laughed, We Loved
We lived, we gave.
we smiled, we worked.
We even blushed a bit . . . right
my new found friends through a water
war. ;-D
Thanks Larry for allowing me to grovel over spilled
(well really it was thrown) water intended for brother Duane H. gone wrong
sweet bride live by Hughes'.
We just wanted to Be Jesus' Hands again to our community and just GIVE!
A family Fun Atmosphere to just be FREE and Plant some seeds to sow later. May the Lord receive all the Glory for this Days' planting!
With proper balance we do really need one another for it to work out correctly.
Well . . . It again was a successful event!
Even when Satan tried to through us a few curves.