Today is full of randomness of thought, rough draft grammar left in rough draft ramblings, my thoughts of coarse.
I look back and reflect at how each time I saw their beautiful face as soon as I could they gave me great joy and still do. I just didn't know how we would be here today at this point and think, "where did the T - I - M - E go?" It was just "yesterday" it was revealed to me the life with in my womb. The prayers saturated over their lives from that moment on. The parenting; joy and questions and confessions of assistance from the Master, all for HIM. Yes All for HIM!
The reflection; quite B E A U T IFUL as the mirror reflects the creator. Wow, how did it come to pass that he allowed them to grace my life with theirs? Why did he trust me knowing that there would be learning curves and mistakes made while in my care? What was He granting me knowing rightfully they belong to HIM? Joy! Yes JOY! A mother's heart.
My Daughter
my mirror
my friend
my heart
~ Unknown
Yes there has been mistakes made along the way. Trying to be there for everything, Hugs, hand holding (and 1,2,3, squeezes), giving medications when ill, bandaging "owies", butterfly kisses, Eskimo kisses, swinging, giggling, laughing, quiet moments, tears. Hot cider, snow fun, summer camps (from VERY YOUNG ages), vacations, tanning from the sun kiss of the Lord. band, sports, chick flicks, BARNEY (I'll let you guess which one with whom), trips, Bird and the Bees (that was funny) and many "firsts". The list just goes on but it all equals L O V E that only a mommy knows. Would I do it all over again? "Yes sir Ya Betcha!" I'd do it ALL OVER AGAIN because they keep teaching me. JOY!
They are my Daughter and I have never regretted that. They are my mirror of where I need to rely on the LORD as the true reflection shows me Him and how HE NEEDS to be their reflection, My friend well that comes when He knows it is being developed from the moment they began and my heart . . . . well that is why it an emotional of the deepest kind.
Thank You Abba Father God. I guess I never really knew or understood "why" but THANK YOU, truly for allowing them to be picked out to be with me. I LOVE THEM ALL, even the one you have with you now. Thank you!
Mommy Loves You my Little WOMEN for you "ARE MY FAVORITE!!!"