Wednesday, June 1, 2011

will I? I must because i still will LOVE

A brief excerpt from Chapter 10:
"This kingdom does not come by political machinations. This kingdom does not come by military might. It doesn't come by bullets or ballets, by elections or intrigues, by democracies or demagogueries. The kingdom of God comes quietly, almost secretly. Like seed growing, like bread rising. It comes like a long walk home. It comes in whispers and quiet conversations. It comes while people are sleeping. It comes in surprising ways and by unauthorized agents. It comes through the gradual transformation of hearts and minds one life at a time. The kingdom of God comes in a million different ways as people become fascinated with Jesus Christ, find his forgiveness, and learn to extend it to others." - bz

ARK: an incredible lesson for me to still learn daily. All the more to become less of me- a broken vessel of more stretching necessary.

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