I know . . . I know TRUST and OBEY.
John said it best when he said, "He must increase and I must decrease." Also when Paul asked for his thorn to be removed and the Lord let him know that "His (Jesus Christs) grace is sufficient" because when we are weak we lean on him. I like to be fun loving, have a good time and a bit on the dizzy side but not literally ;-/. It is so weird to have a very healthy physical yet be dealing with dizziness. I can still laugh with and at my situation and tell people on the light side that "I always wanted to be blonder (no offense to those of you I LOVE WHO ARE!!) and dizzy." ;-p
But every time I am literally spinning and off a bit . . . I pray - thanking him for a reason to lean more fervently on him! The tests for almost four hours on Friday were a relief that HaSa and I are both healthy and for that I am truly THANKFUL. I can Praise HIM for two lives who lean fully on His promises never to leave or forsake us. I praise him that we have another moment to breathe and testify to His goodness in all circumstances. I cherish the thought that our hearts still beat strong for HIM literally and spiritually~!!!
We are all in HIS hands at ALL TIMES! Have a great moment with Him - for he LOVES you deeply.
For I will praise him with every step that I take and every breath available - for both of us while we rest our heads upon his chest while being held in his arms.
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