Thursday, October 14, 2010


September third to October thirteen is a short walk to deal with the fight through renal cell carcinoma. What an awful ugly disease. One of my nephews had an in prompt to speech assignment Tuesday morning and he began it by selection number thirteen, his football jersey number, to select the topic - "cancer." His opening, "CANCER SUCKS! . . . " then gave his three minute oration. Why do I open this way? Because Julie did everything she could to make Mom comfortable to her moment to be fully healed IN HEAVEN.

Where do I begin? Where did it begin? The actual reality of diagnosis came the haunting morning of September 3rd. The day my niece was getting married. Mom K was already in much pain, and that morning it was the pain of shock twelve years after battling breast cancer, that she was given the diagnosis that changed our family and our future. From the moment Julie arrived off the plane from Iowa to go to Alizabeth's wedding, Julie nurtured Mom K twenty four seven. She never left her side and we all came together UNIFIED! Today just for a moment here is a moment to express my love to everyone called my "In - Loves!"

Her care from the get go ~ AMAZINGLY TENDER! One week later she flew Mom K home to where a fabulous team of specialist made Mom K a priority, because of Julies unending persistence to find a way. Did it feel like it was taking long? Sure, we were fighting for her life and Julie fought with a vengeance to the point of a deep compassion. The family came together IMMEDIATELY. Julie became Mom K's lifeline, her hands, her feet, her eyes, her care giver 24/7. The boys pulled together along side her and Aunt C. John caring for Dad K in Arizona, Keith daily support to Julie, and Kent driving back and forth every week to bring support. They came together along with ALL of our family. The McCannons' and many beautiful people gave so much. We thank them all! As I watched Julie and her love with Mom K with tenacity and compassion through each gentle caress, assistance, sleep, feeding, bathing, cooling her, administering medications. She loved with a "mother's heart" to the woman who nurtured her and her brothers with the same undying touch.

Her hands gave unceasingly like an RN and a MD embedded with compassion, much like I know that Jesus' loving hands were when he was here on this earth. Her Love along with Aunt C to tenderly bathe her, and take care of her complexion, nurture her physical comfort. She reminds me of a book I remember from my past, that soon will be my Thank You note.

Julie, Mom passed peacefully because of your administering her comfort in every way. Even in the midst of pain, Mom received peace from here to Have fulfilled healing into Jesus' hands to take a deep breath and gently release to walk with HIM ETERNALLY. She is healed and pain free once and for all through your physical care.

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