Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Differences prt 2 . . . and then some

Okay - so here it is. The professor listened to the few who volunteered to speak. Explanations given at the possibilities of the "Whys". Well, My friends it is much easier to be pulled down to a lower level regardless if supported by another. You see those three students all were able to bring him down off that table along with the momentum was on their side, you know much like the laws of physics and gravity. Therefore, to pull them up was a very difficult task. On the other hand it was a bit hard to drag him down off the table with a helper along side of him and they together were able to lift them all up onto the table. Still exerting energy, some scrapes, bumps and bruises but successful.
My dear friends . . . we need to rest in Jesus Christ with everything we have. The world is represented by those three in the first illustration. Sure we may be fit, somewhat prepared for what we "see" is coming but The world will drag us down~. However, when we have another true believer in Jesus Christ on our side it is difficult for the world to have the same effect. And if we allow Jesus Christ to be "in control" the results are even better. You see the Lord said, "come to me all of you who are weary and heavy laden and I WILL give you rest." He said it - I BELIEVE IT. Then why do we try to "do it my way"? Or even rely on what worldly others or counterfeit believers "think"?
We can't rely just on our humanness or our friends. We really need to have God on the top with us at ALL times, and then only those whom are grounded firmly in Jesus Christ by our sides so that the world losses its' grip and it is difficult for the world to drag us down. "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves, A cord of three strands is not quickly broken" Ecc. 4:12
Surrounded by influences other than Christ is dangerous. And if we are not in his word every day we can loose our footing and be "pulled-down" easier. Sin - temptation - the cares of this world are real- Gosh - They are subtle other wise we would run for sure - clear away from them at a sprinters pace!

Read the word DAILY, Interact with YAHWEH continually, humbly walk with God, & surround yourself with GODLY influences. That is how you make it - especially when you are in the world but not of it.

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